Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis

And, of course, that was all I needed to start an actual game, specifically "Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis."

I'll turn this into a little CYOA myself, I suppose.

You are on a cruise ship. A strange man who has your luggage has apparently attached a note to the bottom of a kids' carousel, and wants you to read it. Do you:

a) tip over the carousel and read it?

b) attach a rollerskate to the carousel to move it over a skylight, steal a towel and ice bucket, fill the bucket with water and soap, steal an oar, wrap the towel around the oar, clean the skylight from below, then shine on it with an also-stolen flashlight so you can read the note?

c) call the authorities?

J.U.L.I.A. demo

I haven't posted in forever, I know, but I'm currently busy playing both Skyrim and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. These are the first CRPGs I've actually played since Planescape: Torment, which you need to buy now if you haven't, and buy again if you have.

I'm enjoying both immensely, so unfortunately the stuff on my backlog is getting very little love, so here's something current instead.

You, Mrs. Uncanny Valley, wake up with amnesia. You play hot/cold on a planet looking for resources (a.k.a. pixel hunting). Then you fly through an FMV sequence and drag the resources onto flashing boxes. How adventure game.

Then it suddenly turns into a voiceovered CYOA. With really, really bad voiceover. Think Samus Aran in Metroid: Other M, but even more lifeless.

At which point I quit. Don't play this.